Realistic Interiors – Official Chaos Corona Ciro Sannino
Title: Realistic Interiors – Official Chaos Corona Ciro Sannino
THE ULTIMATE Corona Official Course.In Realistic Interiors you can study and learn from the technical aspects of Corona Renderer to the arts involved: lighting, composition and use of color, thanks to a unique teaching approach
Corona Renderer, the engine secrets: from the basics to covering all, Interiors & Exteriors tools
Corona Materials, starting from the library to the layered and the more complex surfaces
Lighting Specialist: the most important knowledge to create high photorealistic shots
Photographic composition, to harmonize shapes and make your images more photographic
Techniques for producing flickerless animations and adding special touches in After Effects
3ds Modeling
3D Modeling techniques for Exteriors/Interiors, starting from a cad plan or case study
Lighting and tools, specific to improve the detail and Photorealism of Exteriors
Basics of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for creativity and improvement of workflows
3ds Max from Zero
Bonus. 3ds Max from Scratch: Also for those who know 3ds Max and want to delve into the basics
One of the worse course ever =)
Basic content, easily found on YouTube for free.
Don’t waste your time.
XXX merci
oh!. That’s a shame. If this is the worst, could you recommend the best?
Udemy has many good artisti, with reasonable price too.
This Italian guy is just a scammer =)
Don’t waste time – Don’t download NEVER
I agrree with you =)
The certifications and license are here? If not… don’t download
I don’t need licenses…I already have CRAKED ahahahah
Can you tell me another course?
My friend… the official Chaos YT channel has 240 videos! These videos are much better than all these COPY-PASTE course…
Also, on YT there are a lot of Playlists about Chaos Corona. For example:
Wow these videos are great! I will be a PRO now
Thanks my friend!!!
TAKE DOWN the post
so people don’t waste time…
I see that all people around the world agree with the fact that Sannino’s videos are nothing more than a bullshit ah ah ah (^__^)
If someone need a better course, I highly recommend checking out “Complete 3ds Max and Chaos Corona Course from Scratch” on Udemy rather than this ‘youtube-compilation’ course.
Thank you to those who took the time to suggest good Corona courses.
I agree! And 15 hours for 12.99 euro seems a good price too.
This Italin scamer simply copied tutorials you can safely find free online. Some are the copy of those you find in the official Corona channel ah ah ah XD
Inside the professional 3D industry, Sannino is considererd an joke.
Here, everybody smiles like crazy when we hear his name ah ah ha …
you really believe these are all different users that suggest not to download the files? I guess the truth is totally different ;)
The autor of this “course” is well know in the 3D industry as a puppet. He just copied-pasted video that you can easily find for free online. He is a joke (^_^).
Official Corona YouTube channel has +250 well made tutorials, for a total of +100 hours of video directly from the producer.
Plus, there are many free playlists on YuTube for free.
Feel free to waste your time ;-)
At this point I wldn’t be surprised if all the critical posts were written by our beloved “Italian scammer” himself, trying to prevent you from “acquiring” his course on cgp;D
Ohh .. it can be =), but I’m not sure… Just to knowm, he also bought “likes and fake comments” for his Faceboook page!
By th eway, he started years ago with his idiotic and useless V-Ray “method”, which he claimed was his invention haha XD.
A few years ago he converted his business with the Corona course, but, as we see, it was not very successful: Corona users are nbot so stupid.
Now he is a tired old man. He has already scammed many people and the world now knows him for what he really is: a parasite who copies FREE ( I repeat FREE) content created by others.
He didn’t know that Corona Renderer is now called Chaos Corona… ah ah ah ^_^
Well, I feel sorry for the beginner 3D graphic designers nowadays; so much s.hit tier educational content to avoid nowadays. Back in my days there was less options to choose from, but also less opportunist scammers too. I still have somewhere in my parents home a DVD collection of CG Academy that I used to learn 3ds Max 7, for the Vray and archviz in general I watched Viscorbel videos, and 3D Buzz (may he rest in peace) for my early interest in game dev (back in the Unreal Engine 2/3/UDK era). God, I’m feeling old;D