10 comments on “Maxon ZBrush 2025.1 Win x64

  1. as I lost my access to forum to read by my own…
    For me (and others) 2024.0.4 worked a couple of days and then got blocked my Maxon.
    Any hint if this version differs now ?
    Anyhow I will try it together with the seperate new crack

  2. It seems the undo/redo hot keys and undo bar don’t seem to work. Any fix for this?

    I created a new hot keys file and loaded it but that also didn’t seem to work.

  3. Please someone tell me what is the password? I can’t acess the forum since I haven’t logged in for years.

  4. why 2 cracks? first crack shows some tool error and closes…2nd is caught by Microsoft Defense?

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