7 comments on “Rebelway – Cinematic Lighting in Houdini

  1. Bro i downloaded tons of tuts for houdini today from ya uploads if there are no viruses i want to pay u , because i wont be ever able to purchase 90% of this courses cus PLN is weak af compared to usd or euro … thanks in advance and contact me if i can pay u somehow

    • There is a donate link on the front blog page for bitcoin and other crypto you can help out that way.

  2. At the end of Week 3 he mentions modifying the “Environment Variable file ” so that all the UDIM tiles load in Karma…

    Does anyone know how to do this?

  3. At the End of Week 3 , he mentions modifying the Environment Variable File so that all the UDIM textures load for Karma Rendering..

    Does anyone know how to do this?

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