Duration 58m With Project Files MP4
IndigoRenderer 3ds Max v0.6.9 Win
IndigoRenderer C4D v4.0.6.3 Win
SolidAngle Arnold v2.2.2.1 R17 to R19 Win
Boris FX Sapphire Plug-ins 11.0.1 for AE and Premiere Pro Win
BorisFX GenArts Sapphire OFX v11.0.1 CE Win
Mootools Polygon Cruncher Command Line v11.51 Win
The Foundry Mari 4.0v1 Win/Lnx
Solid Angle Katana 2.6 and 2.5 to Arnold v2.0.6.1 Win/Lnx
Solid Angle Cinema 4D To Arnold v2.2.2 For Cinema 4D R17 to R19 Win/Mac