Duration 6h 21m Level Intermediate Project Files Included 15FPS MP4 2.66GB

In this set of tutorials we will learn techniques for rigging quadrupeds in Maya. We’ll start by learning how to enhance the Flexi system, we created in Advanced Character Rigging in Maya, making it more robust for spines, necks, and areas of the like, while making sure to keep this modular component clean and animator- friendly. We’ll then build our creature’s skeleton from the ground, up, and learn how the Flexi rig can be easily inserted to save us a lot of time. We’ll also learn how to create a robust pose tracking system for driving corrective targets, as well as how to script a few tools with MEL to work faster. By the end of this course, you will have the skill set needed to rig your own quadrupeds with confidence.






Duration 1h 52m Level Intermediate Project Files Included 15FPS MP4

To get started, we will learn how to bring in our two pieces of geometry and setup our MARI project. Next we will dive right into the Tri Planar Projection procedural layer inside MARI and learn how we can use it to?lay down a foundation of tiled rock texture for our terrain. From here we will begin to add various other layers of detail to our color map including a sandy beach, grass and vegetation as well as snowcaps for our?mountains. We will also learn how we can use masks and mask stacks to make our tiled procedurals feel a little more natural as they flow together. Throughout this course, we will being using a workflow that?applies a photographic base where we can through the use of MARI?s procedural layers but we will also be doing a good deal of painting. To wrap this course up, we will learn how we can use an adjustment stack to apply multiple adjustment layers, each to specific areas of a single procedural layer to give our vegetation a bit more variation in color. After completing this course, you will have a good idea how MARI can be used to texture terrain for both games or film.



Duration 3h 15m Level Intermediate Project Files Included 15 FPS MP4

In this series of tutorials we will learn how to create a game-ready facial rig in 3ds Max. We’ll start by creating our facial skeleton. We’ll then cover skinning techniques that help to ease the weight painting
process. Once this step is finished we’ll begin finalizing our work by establishing controls. Along the way, we’ll learn fun topics like how to rig fleshy eyes, how to create lip controls that conform to the mouth, as
well as how to add levels of controls to plan for automation. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skill-set needed to create your own game-ready facial rigs.




Duration 1h 51m Level Intermeidiate Project Files Included 15FPS MP4

In this set of tutorials we will learn how to work more efficiently inside of Maya using MEL. We’ll start by learning how to create a tool to quickly access MEL commands. We’ll then learn about global and local procedures, as well as, how to source external files using MEL. We’ll learn how use MEL to export code, we’ll learn how to build a tool that can trim down time on the setup process for a linear workflow, and conclude the course by learning how to create and manage a Text Scroll List in order to build a constraining tool. By the end of this course, you will have the understanding you need to improve your skill in MEL and be an even greater asset to your team.




Duration 1h 13m Level Intermediate Project Files Included 15FPS MP4

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to model a steel tower using Revit. We’ll work from the ground up and begin with structural foundations. From there we’ll attach columns to the footings by placing base plates and anchor bolts into the model. Once columns are in place, we’ll learn a few ways to model and connect beams to the columns. We’ll also explore how to use open web joists as structural elements for the floors and roof of our structure. Finally, we’ll place a few steel ladders into our model to allow access up and down the tower. With these tools and skill sets you’ll be able to model your own steel structure in Revit with ease and accuracy.




Compatible With All Flavors Of Cinema 4D

We just relasead a new version of Texture Kit Pro that is compatible with ALL versions and flavors of Cinema 4D R12, R13, R14 and up including Prime, Visualize, Broadcast and Studio. The really big news? Texture Kit Pro is now compatible with Cinema 4D Lite
*Hair materials need Studio To Render
More Materials

Texture Kit Pro is a constantly growing set of materials. Over 50 New Textures were added in this version including Plasticine, Marshmallow, Clumpy Sand, Cloudy Ice Cube , and Infrared.
Fully Tile-able Textures

We have gone back and adjusted all of Texture Kit Pro?s relevant textures to be Fully Tile-able. Just apply and scale to fit your scene. We also have many procedural materials that require no tiling and will fit any size object.
HUGE Texture Gallery

We designed a giant texture gallery that shows off Texture Kit Pro?s materials in a searchable interface.





