Build Order. Audi A5 Sportback (phase-1 model)

-Building the Roof Surface
-Building the Front Screen 1 & 2
-Building the Apex-less Hood
-Front (grill) pannel
-Headlamp Area phase-1
-Grille Aperture + Offset Backing Surf.
-Side Glass Aperture Theoretical Surf. Virtual Sheet Metal
-Cant -Rail
-Shoulder. Creating the Shoulder
-Rear Deck Curve
-C Pillar
-Body Side Surf.
-Fender Front
-Fender Rear
-Rocker Panel
-Bumper Rear
-Apron Rear
-Rear Panel
-Apron Front
-RS4 Wheel


Thanks to epiclulz folr the supply

Due to the dev coming here threatening one of our members here is the full set of Vertex Pusher tutorials
have fun

Introduction to Cinema and Modeling

This tutorial is designed to get you inside Cinema 4D quickly from scratch, it is for both beginners and advanced users.
It covers every aspect of modeling you will need, and it gives numerous tips about workflows.
After watching there will be no more questions on how Cinema 4D operates, or how do I model this or that?
You will feel at home in Cinema 4D and be able to know exactly how to model certain tasks.
Even most complex objects and forms, like human head will not present a problem.


Lighting, shading and rendering

You dont know how to create really good shaders? Have problems with lighting? cant pull that nice realistic render? Global illumination, ambient occlusion, caustics, channels, SSS, UVW projections, too many settings? Which value should I put here? what is this? what are this samples? and so on…so many questions did not have answers until now.
Find out in this great 10 hour in depth training, which leaves no questions unanswered, how to set up and calibrate your scenes, how to light them properly and create really good materials, understand all material channels and effects, learn how to render, optimize, tweak and understand all those settings and master Cinema 4D in lighting shading and rendering.


So you think rigging is complicated? You’ll find, with this tutorial, it’s actually much easier than it appears at first glance.

Find out with this unique, mind blowing training how to rig your characters, create setups with Xpresso and learn how to use scripting the easy way. This is only a small portion of the wonders inside!
This training is packed with valuable information and will open your eyes to an amazing toolset that lies inside Cinema 4D. A toolset that can truly take your skills to the next level.
You will learn how to build your rigs with complex setups involving xpresso and scripting from scratch, along with numerous workflow tips, including advice from seasoned professional.


Gain insight in high end workflows and techniques in this fantastic training. The training is project based in depth modeling course of a complete female character from scratch, that is built for rigging and animation purposes. Training can be followed independently of other trainings we offer however Vol.1 should be watched to be able to follow with ease. You can expect high-end modeling techniques including fantastic quad solving, topology guidance, upscaling/downscaling, detailing, referencing, golden ratio structuring and much more.


Project 2 – Breath of life

In this truly epic training that deserves even more than it’s Master series status, we will tackle one of the most difficult tasks imaginable – rigging a realistic human from scratch with accessories. We will start by creating joints, then proceed with various setups for automated behavior and natural appearance of the character.

We will create the final result with multitude of tools inside Cinema4D ranging from IK/FK, SplineIK, Constrains, Posemorph, weighting, mirroring, Mograph, deformers and Vertex maps to advanced setups made by Effectors, Tracers, Xpresso and Coffee. In the training we will create custom controllers and interface for our specific needs, and also both cloth and hair for our character and combine that into fully functional rig.
Through this rigging masterpiece, professional workflows and insider secrets are finally available for you to absorb. You can expect sea of information and useful tips and tricks, with fantastic problem solving, and the amount of tools and techniques used is simply overwhelming and cant fit into this brief description.


Bonus Classes.


fxphd’s popular camera tracking specialist Victor Wolansky teaches this third PFTrack in production course continuing his tendency to tackle only the most difficult shots. You’re sure to pick up a ton of new, high-end techniques for both object and camera tracking.

Class 1:
Using the auto tracker node, cleaning the auto trackers by solving parts, the importance of initial frames and prep for geometry construction.
Class 2:
Image modeling, one of the key features of PFTrack.
Class 3:
Calibrating multiple cameras, with and without motion, and important step for object tracking and mocap tracking.
Class 4:
Object tracking from multiple cameras, perfect combination for more accuracy and automatic sizing of the tracked object.
Class 5:
Geometry tracking. Using geometry, OBJ and FBX to track an object, or camera. A non-conventional tracking that can save a lot of time in some cases.
Class 6:
Geometry tracking, a new kind, tracking non rigid objects and deformations.
Class 7:
Texture extraction, new tools with proper UV mapping.
Class 8:
Stereo tracking techniques.
Class 9:
Tracking water.
Class 10:
An experiment on facial tracking and replacement.


Special Thanks:

To PKD for this!

SynthEyes 2011 offers a complete high-end feature set, including tracking, set reconstruction, stabilization, and motion capture. It handles camera tracking, object tracking, object tracking from reference meshes, camera+object tracking, multiple-shot tracking, tripod (nodal, 2.5-D) tracking, mixed tripod and translating shots, stereoscopic shots, nodal stereoscopic shots, zooms, lens distortion, light solving. It can handle shots of any resolution?DV, HD, film, IMAX, with 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit float data, and can be used on shots with thousands of frames. A nifty feature simplifies and speeds tracking for green-screen shots. The image preprocessor can help remove grain, compression artifacts, off-centering, or varying lighting; improve low-contrast shots; or shoe-horn shots into available RAM for quicker handling.
Textures can be extracted for a mesh from the image sequence, producing higher resolution and lower noise than any individual image.

SynthEyes offers complete control over the tracking process for challenging shots, including an efficient workflow for supervised trackers, combined automated/supervised tracking, offset tracking, incremental solving, a hard and soft path locking system, distance constraints for low-perspective shots, and cross-camera constraints for stereo. You can set up a coordinate system with tracker constraints, camera constraints, by aligning to a mesh, a line-based single-frame alignment system, or manually.


SynthEyes exports to about 25 different 2-D and 3-D programs. The Sizzle scripting language lets you customize the standard exports, or add your own imports, exports, or tools. You can customize the color scheme, keyboard mapping, and viewport configurations.



For starters we’ll use a simple shot and do the most obvious thing when you first open Syntheyes: A completely automatic track. In a matter of literally seconds you’ll have a pretty usable result, that will quickly improve by using some simple clean-up techniques. Orient the scene in 3d-space and insert 3D-objects into your scene to test if everything works, export your camera-solution and voil? – you have a decent matchmove in just a few minutes.

Solving a shaky handheld shot
Life not often makes it easy for you, and so you’ll often be confronted with things like motion-blur, camera-shake and lens-distortion. So for the more difficult shots we’ll have to bring the big guns in. Automatic tracker cleanup, manual control over each tracker-curve in the graphs-editor and fine-tune trackers can really improve your camera solution. To solve fast and shaky hand-held footage with lots of motion-blur it’s best to use supervised tracking to give you the most control over each tracker. If you’re footage was shot with a lens that has barrel-distortion then you have another problem that can make things more complicated. Tracks will have lots of errors, and 3D objects will not fit to the footage not matter what. Luckily Syntheyes has a clever way to get rid of lens-distortion. Or even to re-distort the CGI, if the director wants to work with the original footage later in compositing.

Modeling with Syntheyes
With the tracking-features and resulting 3d-points you can not only define the camera, but also re-model the scene, just use the points to define a mesh! And if there are not enough features for you to re-create the scene, insert zero weighted trackers (ZWT) that don’t affect the camera solution but will position themselves in the correct place in your 3d environment. And if you need more organic shapes to be rebuilt, add thousands of 3d-points all at once to build your mesh. You can even texture that mesh by using camera-projection right within Syntheyes, to test if camera-mapping will work later in your 3d- or compositing-application.

Solving Tripod shots – with 3d environment?
The common problem with tripod shots is that it is impossible to get any usable 3d information out of just a camera-pan. The solution of the camera movement might be good, still it can be hard to position it in a reasonable and exact way in 3d-space. That problem can quickly be solved with Syntheye’s lens-tools. Use any straight perspective lines in one frame of your tripod-shot to setup a coordinate system that let’s you position objects in your scene more easily – that makes life easier for the 3d-artist! You can even use that method on still images.

A moving camera – and a moving object!
Although primarily a camera-tracker, Syntheyes does a really good job at object-tracking. The last chapter of this tutorial shows you how to track camera and objects in one scene altogether, how to setup their coordinate systems and how to orient them in 3d-space. You can really do amazing things with this great software. Make sure you have some time and your favorite compositing and 3d application at hand! You’ll want to try out all these goodies immediately!

http://www.url-dead/file/1453041434/Complete Syntheyes Training.part1.rar
http://www.url-dead/file/1453041484/Complete Syntheyes Training.part2.rar
http://www.url-dead/file/1453041104/Complete Syntheyes Training.part3.rar
http://www.url-dead/file/1453041524/Complete Syntheyes Training.part4.rar
http://www.url-dead/file/1453041514/Complete Syntheyes Training.part5.rar Syntheyes Training.part1.rar Syntheyes Training.part2.rar Syntheyes Training.part3.rar Syntheyes Training.part4.rar Syntheyes Training.part5.rar

All in One Torrent

Mark Christiansen, author of Adobe After Effects CS5 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques, returns for a new project-based course featuring composting and effects for PROJECT ARBITER. The short concept film, currently in post production, was shot with 2 RED cameras and fxphd members will be able to work through several shots on the film, potentially even having their shot find a place in the final release and their name featured in the credits. In addition, for April term members, there will be a small invite-only “Special Ops” group which will work through other shots on the film. Members will apply for Special-Ops by submitting a demo reel, CV, and a time commitment to work on the project. Details on applying will be provided to fxphd members.

Continue Reading

Xara Designer Pro v. | Windows OS | 126 MB
XaraPhoto & Graphic Designer 7 (formerly Xtreme) is quite simply thebest value and fastest all-in-one graphics package youll find. Fordrawings or photo work, for print or web graphics, its the perfectchoice.

Being able to change what you have doneis vital in a graphics package. Xara Designer allows unlimited undo,making experimentation easy. The Zoom tool allows magnification up to25,000%, perfect for detailed work. And its super-fast and resolutionindependent too. If this image was created in Photoshop with the samedetail, the file would be 2000 x 3000 inches, take hundreds ofmegabytes of memory and file space. As a vector design it takes just180Kbytes! Xara introduced the worlds first vector anti-aliasing tobring maximum screen quality and is still a pioneer with the fastest,highest quality anti-aliasing available in any drawing program.

XaraDesigner Pro (formerly Xtreme Pro) is our top of the range product andincludes all the features and templates of Web Designer and Photo &Graphic Designer. Plus it adds extra features that Pro designers needincluding support for PDF/X, PANTONE and color separations, multi-coreprocessor support for extra speed, enhanced import/export filters, apro version of the photo panorama tool and more.

Xara DesignerPro includes a complete website creation feature that enables you todesign multi-page websites with ease, including mouseover and pop-upeffects, navbars and menus, animations and widgets. One click previewand ftp upload included. Its the worlds most advanced WYSIWYG webpage layout – and with no HTML skills required! Xara Photo and GraphicDesigner and Designer Pro offer a genuinely easy way to create reallyefficient Flash animations.

Xara Designer Pro gives you totaldesign freedom – using drag and drop you can literally place anything,anywhere on the page. And things which are normally difficult toachieve in HTML are a snap in Xara Designer Pro – for example text withcurved edges, text or graphics at an angle, text flowing around objects- no problem! But Designer Pro has some clever tricks too, to makethings easier for you – heres just a few of the things that will saveyou time and trouble: Liquid text flow around objects; easy mouseover,thumbnail and pop-up creation; automatic adjustment of photos to thecorrect web resolution; one-click change of site wide theme colors andshades; automatic color matching of imported objects such as buttons;and buttons and text panels that automatically stretch as you changethe text.

Working with industry standards is vital, so XaraDesigner Pro sites are W3C compliant, cross browser compatible (IE 5.5,Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and XHTML, CSS standards based.
Designeroffers support for a huge range of file formats, making it easy toexchange your work with other users and programs. This includes commonbitmap types (eg GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PSD, and RAW photos) andkey vector types (eg PDF and AI/EPS, and EMF/WMF). For text XaraDesigner supports RTF (Rich Text Format) and for websites HTML andFlash.
Xara Designer has full support for importing and exportingAdobe Photoshop PSD files including layer support. Xara Designeroffers industry leading export of super-clean, very compact PDF files(including support for graduated color fills and flat / graduatedtransparency). Combined with the PDF import feature, this providesanother way to interchange files.

Xara Designer Pro offers theability to produce CMYK color separations. This includes on-screenpreview of CMYK and spot color plates, PANTONE color support, spotcolors, on-screen printer gamut preview and a lot more.
XaraDesigner Pro supports XPS export (and has a beta XPS import filter).This is an entirely new ?page description file format invented byMicrosoft thats vector based, and so is ideal as aresolution-independent portable document format.


Nitro4D NitroBlast v1.00 R12 + Tutorials

Description : A new fracturing plugin from the creator of Thrausi and Catastrophe. Allowing completely automatic, collision driven fracturing, Nitroblast is written from the ground up to be faster, bigger, more powerful and better from all angles than the previous fracturing plugins.

Even though it?s numerous, powerful features, it was designed with simple, easy to use interface in mind. Features include:

Autobreak: Completely automatic impact based fracturing: You don?t have to do anything, just run a dynamics simulation or even a custom animation with 2 objects colliding, and the auto-break will do the rest. It will break the objects based on their impact point. It supports:

– Multibreak for multiple colliders on an object,

– Deepbreak (as described below)

– Cracks: Generate parametric Cracks for the part of the object that stays behind

Deep Break: Used for incremental breaking of an object. For example you when want to break an object into pieces, and then these pieces to break again themselves when they collide with another object. You can easily set up the breaking levels as well as which objects will initiate them, with Deep Break.

Voronoi break quality: Low, Medium, High and Extreme. Low is for fastest, Extreme is for the highest quality final result, that fully preserves the original shape of the most complex objects.

Vertex map based fracturing: You can use vertex map to control the density of the fractures, as well as intuitively control with a fall-off of which pieces are static and which are dynamic.

Thickness: You can set the fractured object to be hollow inside, with a controlled parameter.

Bake Normals: Bakes the normals for removing any artifacts from the object?s surface, that were visible after the fracturing.

Bake Object : 1-click bake of any object that has a dynamic tag (including Nitroblast objects) into keyframes and export in a format that can transfer your work to other programs .

Transparency: For transparent objects, you can hide the fractured pieces inside before the impact

Style presets: Already including preset settings for stone, artifact free glass and lava, you can also easily create your own presets.

Dust: Automatically generated dust. It is Thinking Particles based, so it can be edited or used in conjunction with other Thinking Particles for further control.

Materials: You can apply inside and outside materials. By using a subpolygon displacement material for the inside surfaces, more realistic cuts can easily be created, that are not flat.

Easily set which pieces are static and which are dynamic.

Special Nitroblast objects are used to provide elaborate and intuitive control over the fractured objects. Furthermore, parametric objects (such as nurbs objects) are preserved, so they can be changed and fractured again.

Additional tools:

Nitroblast Splinebreak: Break and extrude any spline into fully parametrical individual segments. Animatable parameters include: Mode (segment size or count), Offset, Depth, Gap and others.

Nitroblast Bomb: Can be used to automatically fracture, and explode an object on an impact point. Bomb can also be used to effortlessly explode already shattered objects.

Nitroblast Cut: Break an object based on other objects. This way you can define the shape and weighting of the fractures, the fall-off, the limits, or even break the object with pieces that are based on the shape of polygons or splines.
NitroBlast is no commercial grade software. Instead it?s my spare time killer and I develop NitroBlast for the fun of myself and all users that like it. As I cannot base my living on the earnings from this project I have to put the majority of my work power into a regular job.
If NitroBlast was a Shareware you would actually buy something from me, meaning we both would have a contract and would bind us to a license agreement. This would also have implications on what you?d expect from me, based on what you are accustomed with when you buy regular commercial products. So distributing NitroBlast as a Shareware would require me to give you some contractual guarantees, which I can?t. So I am not trying to play the big guy where I am small.

http://www.url-dead/file/1458918044/_Nitro4DNitr.Blast.v1.00 R12MUS3+Tutor.rar R12MUS3+Tutor.rar R12MUS3+Tutor.rar

Digital-Tutors : Rigging the Human Face in Maya 2011
6 hrs. 45 min. |Released on May 2, 2011 |Project Files Included (135 MB)
Required Software: Maya 2011 and up

In this collection of lessons we will learn about a wide variety of useful tools and techniques for rigging a human face.

This course covers tools and techniques for rigging the human face in Maya. Throughout the course we will focus on providing animators with the control they need to create natural expressions with a control rig that computes fast. We will also creatively explore several techniques and tools that can be used to create realistic deformations. Step by step, we will construct a facial control system that is robust and animator-friendly. We will learn everything from how to create a reverse-jaw rig, rigging with curves for flexibility, how to create sticky controls, fleshy eyes, and we will also cover how to set up preset expressions for fast animation.

55 videos in this course

1. Introduction and project overview
2. The expectations of the facial control rig.
3. Setting up a shelf to access our rigging tools
4. Building the primary bones of our head rig
5. Creating the jaw bones
6. Creating the eye bones
7. Group hierarchy for the facial rig
8. Binding the face
9. Blocking in the weights of the lower jaw
10. Blocking in the weights of the head
11. Refine the deformations around the corners of the mouth
12. Correcting the deformations of the neck and head
13. Using curves to control the deformations of the eyebrows
14. Rigging the brow curves with clusters
15. Weighting the clusters of the brow curves
16. Making the brow curves influence objects
17. Fine-tuning the brow deformations
18. Setting up the nose bones
19. Painting weights on the nose
20. Beginning the lip rig
21. Blocking the weights of the lips / connecting the blend shape
22. Correcting the deformations of the lips
23. Finishing the lip deformations
24. Building the eye lid rig
25. Deforming the eye lids
26. Beginning the fleshy eye rig
27. Wrapping up the fleshy eye rig
28. Setting up the cheek deformations
29. Tying the cheek shapes to the blend shape head
30. Completing the cheek rig
31. Extra cheek deformations
32. Setting up the lip rolls
33. Finishing the lip roll functionality
34. Creating animation controls for the head and neck
35. The Jaw controls
36. Setting up a system to glue the lip controls to the face
37. Finishing the lip connection meshes for the sticky controls
38. Gluing the lip controls to the mouth
39. The lip controls
40. Driving the lip clusters with the lip controls
41. Building a control to translate the mouth
42. Custom attributes for the lip rolls and cheek expansion shapes
43. Creating the nose controls
44. Completing the nose rig
45. Rigging the eyes
46. The eye controls
47. Finalizing the eye rig
48. The brow controls
49. Creating tongue bones / binding the tongue mesh
50. Finishing the tongue rig
51. Trouble-shooting the lip controls
52. Cleaning up the control rig
53. Character sets for animation
54. Preset expressions for fast animation
55. Connecting the facial rig to a character control rig


The Foundry Mari 1.3 v.2 (x64) | 4.46 GB
Mari was developed by a New Zealand company Weta Digital, which used to create films like District 9, The Lovely Bones and Avatar. Mari is intended only for texturing 3D-models. From analogues (Zbrush, Mudbox, Blender, 3d-coat) is different for up to several thousands of large textures (32k to 32k pixels) on the model, greater speed of working with large textures, greater opportunities for visualization, flexible brush engine, supports animation and the ability to create animated textures.

The content of the assembly
Mari1.3v2-win-x86-release-64.exe ? The installer program
Crack ? Crack the instructions for licensing (taken from version 1.2v1, performance tested)
Training_resources ? Folder with accompanying teaching materials from the office. site, namely:

Product Tours ? video tours of MARI?s features (Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 768?480, Audio: AAC 44100Hz mono)

Blacksmith Assets:
– ? blacksmith. Obj files
– ? blacksmith colour textures
– ? blacksmith dirtColor, dirtMask, dispFine, dispMid
– ? blacksmith hairDisp, specGain, specGain_dirt_sweat, sweatMask, tattooColor, tattooMask, veinColor and veinMask
– ? textures for the blacksmith?s eyes
– ? the full anvil texture set
– ? the full apron texture set
– ? the full goggles texture set
– ? the full hammer texture set
– ? the full tongs texture set

Animated Sequences:

The Foundry Mari 1.3v2 (x64) Only


The Foundry Mari 1.3v2 (x64) Only