
All posts tagged Design

VectorWorks 12.0.1 – object based CAD program (Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Machine Design, Fundamentals, and RenderWorks)

This bundle includes VectorWorks and RenderWorks in order to provide you with the best tools for the design and presentation of you creative ideas.
VectorWorks is currently the best selling CAD software on the Mac and an industry standard on Windows. With over 150,000 users in over 80 countries, it is one of the world’s most popular CAD programs. Engineered to meet the specific needs of smart-sized companies, VectorWorks has everything you need for precision 2D drafting, powerful 3D modeling and sophisticated client presentations. Plus, it has built-in database and spreadsheet capabilities to track costs and materials, and flexible scripting language to automate routine drafting tasks. No other CAD program offers so much for so little!

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3ds Max? Techniques | The Emergence of the Architectural Film in Architectural Animation

Using the language of filmmaking, visual effects, motion design, and architectural illustration, explore elements of pre-production such as pre-visualization and animatics

Animation with a heavy emphasis on camera moves
Post-production techniques including rendering, creating and using matte passes, and utilizing render passes

The class uses a “movie-breakdown” and “shot-breakdown” approach to illustrate the various methods

There is also some discussion of optimizing workflow with MAXScript, as well as scene and file organization Continue Reading

Design first for 3d animators / by Geoffrey Kater

Design First

As a designer, your role within a production is as an aesthetic problem solver who is there to
support the story. As a 3D artist/animator, your role is to solve problems, but comes after the
design process. Design and animation are two different disciplines that problem solve in two
different ways, yet each has the same goal. What if we combined these disciplines into a
single role that uses design to influence animation throughout the entire 3D process? This
book is about that very thing. For those who are open minded about learning a valuable skill
like design, this book will not only improve your animation work, but will improve your worth
as a 3D artist.

Get it Here:


Autodesk? AliasStudio? software optimizes the creative design process with industry-leading sketching, modeling, and visualization tools that help you quickly realize ideas in a single environment. With the AliasStudio line of products, your designers can capture ideas digitally?from initial sketches through 3D concept models.

They can easily share these models with your engineering team, using a common file format. This lets you incorporate a product?s conceptual design data into the digital prototype?saving time and effort.

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