9 comments on “CGNuggets Workshop – Epic Film Creature: BATTLE BEAST

    • Why not read up before posting a question. Think for yourself for once.

      • lols! is there a post that what software use?
        and whats wrong for asking a question?
        and he post a sculpting.. there is so many sculpting software, so i asked
        example of mudbox so many software for sculpting.. so i guess u think for your post blank head!

        BTW, Thank you so much CG BLOGGER for uploading..
        and Csuh?s thanks for the rply :)

  1. While I do agree that some searching once in a while is a good thing (especially because there are a plethora of… less than academic questions being asked constantly, so I understand the short patience with something like this) to do when you don’t know the answer, I think that might be a bit over reacting and slightly rude perhaps.? Really people should try to label what the tutorial uses for software with the title, as a lot of people use various software. If you check ou http://cgpeers.com/rules.php?p=upload#h2.3 youll notice that they sort of ask that you inclued information like what he is asking for, I dont think it is unreasonable. I hope I have been helpful.

  2. http://cgpeers.com/torrents.php?id=28981&torrentid=28846#torrent28846

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