13 comments on “THE FOUNDRY NUKE V5.0V1-XFORCE – 56 Mb

  1. Why would you break up a 50 meg file into 12 smaller files?? Why cant you just make it a single file to download??

  2. Nick you ungreatful **** ****! You really have NO IDEA what “admin” goes through to find you these links. If you cant download FREE s/w from these links, how about we install and use the s/w for you as well? Maybe we could all get together and ****************Edited*********************
    job, just don’t listen to twits like Nick.

    Post Edited: please don’t insult other users even you right!

  3. my apologies admin!

    comments like that just get under my skin – you guys do a top job, yet there’s still ungrateful people around…

    thanks from Australia.

  4. Hi all, I just wanted to ask a question, How ca you ownload from this damn rapidshare site? the only message i always get from it is: ‘”your IP address is downloading now(and i’m not downloading anything), please try later” but there were no possible later for me with this share site…
    any way thank you all for the great job you’re doing

  5. hmmm
    There should be a problem on your system.
    Do you share your internet with another users

  6. Thanks buddy all your stuff are great. I have one small request to make here…..Can you post the torrent for the downloads that you put here, because i am from INDIA and here Internet speed drops and so i couldn’t download the files completely so please post torrent files for all your stuff……THANKS IN ADVANCE.

  7. Greetings And salutations

    I have downloaded The foundry nuke 5 x-force from emule and it has the same files you have available here. I can’t seem to unrar them, it always ask for a file that ends in r00. Can anyone help please?

    many thabks in advancee

    Luis Artigas

    Caracas, Venezuela

  8. mwk
    you’ve got to disable your internet firewall.
    a firewall prevents rapidshare IP check to get your real IP and instead sends over a fake IP e.g the global windows firewall IP, and thus there will be millions of people hovering around with the same IP as yours!

  9. MWK

    If you use software to hide your IP Address when surfing or on Rapidshare (RS) then you may get that problem you are experiencing, I removed the software and have had no more problems with RS. Rs will also block you if you try to download too many files when you are not a premium member of RS. I would advise you not to remove your Firewall Protection

  10. hi spazzle, thank you for replying,
    as far as I know I don’t have any software that hide my IP address, can you give me the name of this soft or explain more is it a part of windows operating system..?
    PS I have windows home edition upgraded to sp3

    thanks a lot

  11. i guess you guys dont know how to search the internet…=]
    and i want to know why the fuck anyone wants to download 20 different rar files…i for fuck dont. so, here is a little early christmas present……



  12. Hey guys,

    This is how you install the program:

    1. You download it using www.rapidshare.com
    2. You will have on your computer xn5v1w01, xn5v1w02 etc.etc all the way to xn5v1w12
    3. Extract each file separately. That means extract xn5v1w01, then extract xn5v1w02, then xn5v1w03, all the way to xn5v1w12.
    4. Once extract each file, you should see a new folder labeled xn5v1w01 all the way to xn5v1w12
    5. In each of the 12 folders there are files labeled n50v1win32. Create a new folder labeled Nuke and copy each of the n50v1win32 from all 12 folders into you Nuke folder.
    6. Now extract the n50v1win32 in your Nuke folder and you should see a Crack folder and a Nuke installation.

    Good luck

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