Advanced | 2h 35m | 1.71 GB | Project Files 614 MB | Required Software: ZBrush 4R4, Photoshop CS6, AMP Font Viewer 3.6
In this tutorial you will learn how to take your ZBrush renders into Photoshop in order to create a stylized final art piece for your portfolio. We will discuss how to take your 3D concepts into Photoshop for final customized renders using layers, filters, lasso tools and other tools in Photoshop CS6.
Always outrageous, and a thank you for being you..
Maybe one day DT will hire you as part of their creative development team….No slight intended…. I mean this whole heartedly
Thank you for so much for the post, you guys ROCK!!! I have noticed something with a lot of Zbrush Tutorials lately in general. A lot of the character/creature design in the tutorials are “muddy”, that is to say the characters are not clearly defined. Sometimes, I cant tell what they are?its just a lot of “stuff” on a “thing”. Is just me?
Anyway, thats for the post!!!!
Thanks for upload !!!
I need torrent,please.