Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.2 for Cinema 4D R16
Title:Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.2 for Cinema 4D R16
Info:Transform makes complex animation simple in C4D without using keyframes. Use our built in presets or use or take control using our custom animation system. Make animating as easy as 1 2 3 with Transform.
Note: In R16 you have to put Transform and Supertext in your Preference/plugins folder, otherwise Transform will jump in Demo mode when you press ‘Full update’.
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Gorilla been Muuuushed!! No Vaselines!
Dumb question:
Where is the preference/plugins folder in R16?
I can?t make this work in R16
Where is the preference/plugins folder in R16?
You are mushed… All here are cracked, the size of the original is different like always…