5 comments on “Cubebrush – Female Basemesh 01 – 07

  1. The file “fbm_05_afro_OBJ_T.zip” from CBFemaleBasemesh05 is damaged. It can’t be unzipped (the failure appears “unexpected end”). Pitty :-(

  2. Amazing post as always Diptra ! Thanks so much.

    I don’t really understand why it’s written up there : “01 ? 04 and 06” as 5 is also here.
    Simply trust the title as ALL the Female Base meshes from 01 to 07 are in there.

    @Mikel forget about winzip, winrar and install & use only : 7zip.
    CBFemaleBasemesh05 is NOT damaged.
    It’s just your default archive apps that need to be abandoned for good. Compression evolves, only 7zip follows.

    P.S : Be ready to decompress for an hour. It’s ZIPs inside RARs.

  3. Just wanted to let you know that me and my father put a lot of after-work-late-night hours over the last 2 years into these basemeshes.
    If you like what you get – you can always donate over at our Gumroad page:

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