Title: MooTools Polygon Cruncher Commandline Ed. v12.05
The command line version is the easiest way to include an optimization process in your 3D pipeline.
Polygon Cruncher exposes all its features though the command line in
order to batch your 3D assets from external processes. Using Polygon
Cruncher Command Line allows to integrate 3D data simplification in your
pipeline and to generate automatically LODs from your meshes or lighten
your CAD or architectural scenes for easier sharing or real-time
The MagicCruncher option automatically determines the level of optimization offering the best compromise between visual quality and simplification.
Polygon Cruncher Command Line increases your productivity helping you to visualize complex projects or facilitating the publication of your assets on different media. Polygon Cruncher Command Line can be called on a local computer from the Windows Shell using a bat file or from a server.
All the switches are fully documented, and visual or textual log could be generated for validating the success of the process.
For Maya 3ds max and Lightwave