10 comments on “emRPC Softimage 2010 (32/64bit)

  1. Hi guys, you are ALWAYS THE BEST!!!!!
    does a macosx version exist?????

  2. Oh god…would you people give it a rest with the Mac garbage already.

  3. Im sure XSI users will be very happy, thanks again Play BOY’s :D

    does it work in the 2011 version? O.o

  4. Awesome! Pretty crazy how extensive ICE can be.
    emPolygonizer and emFluid3 would be fantastic as well, if possible.

    Thanks again!

    • Oops.. didn’t realize emFluid3 was already there! Great! :D

  5. hmm…

    The file ‘C:\Users\Spooky\Autodesk\Softimage_2011\Addons\emRenderPointCloud\Application\Plugins\patch.exe’
    contained a virus or unwanted program ‘BDS/Gendal.86016.M’ [backdoor]

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