15 comments on “Daz Model Pack

  1. A shame these aren’t bundled into one file for easier downloading, but that’s okay. Thanks, bzune!

  2. Sorry for the ignorant question, however, are these models import as OBJ for Maya? Thanks in advance !

  3. I heard that all Daz models cannot be licensed for game publication…can anyone confirm this? This is on the assumption that you would use these models for your project and come time for game publication you would buy them.

  4. Man, just post the links…enough with the tinypaste survey crap!!

  5. I’ll have to agree with Sturm. Without a hotfile premium account this takes a year to grab cause of the delay after each download.
    if someone could post this as one package it would be much appreciated.

  6. @Lasco45
    I tried to do just that …post the links..but my message was refused by the moderators on this site…seems they are in kahoots with tinypaste

  7. Dude just print out the links like before !!! Tintpaste is so inconvenient.

  8. just right click on page and choose view page source and scroll down to the hotfile links

  9. @sasgar
    thanks for the tip!!

    sorry, didn’t know they made you do that :)

  10. Tip for people bitching about tiny paste…”view page source”…
    Thanks for the up btw…

  11. Could reupload to megaupload, i think will be very appreciate… Thanks in advance…

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