37 comments on “Pixel Farm – Full Products 2011

  1. Norton throws up some red flags with this download… “Suspicious.Cloud.2”

  2. please help me!!!! Pftrack2011 crack also says license error.
    what is solution????

    • 1? install “pftrack-2011.1.1.x64-win”
      2? copy the file “PFTrack.exe” in The Pixel Farm\PFTrack 2011.1 directory.
      3? copy the file “license” in The Pixel Farm directory
      is all :)

  3. hello every body
    pftrack 2011 how can i install please tell me
    where is crack

  4. Does not work in either MacOS or Win7.
    Gives error “No license found”

  5. Got a solution:

    Place the license.txt in folder: Applications/The Pixel Farm
    NOT in folder Applications/The Pixel Farm/PF Track 2011.1

    Same for Win (and linux i guess)

  6. Where is? C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications ?
    Or C:\Program Files (x86)\Applications\The Pixel Farm ???
    Or C:\Program Files\Applications\The Pixel Farm ???

  7. do i need to change hostid in license.txt ??
    where exactly do i need to copy this license file ( pftrack2011 win7 )

    thanks in advance..

  8. k, answers time,
    no need to change anything in license file
    just copy this to main
    C:\Program Files\The Pixel Farm

  9. pftrack license error.plz tell tell me how to fix.
    i am using win 7.
    sory for english

  10. please anybody i need a this tracking app pfrack for macbook its only 13 inches my screen that is…..can someone tell my where to find it so i dont have to mess with the gui?

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