20 comments on “600+ Materials For Vue

  1. Why can’t some people read… is it really that hard????

    its says VUE!!!! VUE!!!! “Can I use it in MAX????” Why are you even learning 3D if you know nothing? Research before asking stupid questions!

    • Dude, if you saying right this about me, then you didn’t know me yet.
      Seach at YouTube or Google at GamerGames Design.
      And you will find a whole world of me! ;)

      • really dude…if that’s your demo-reel, I would NOT be showing that off..
        You have a VERY long way to go before you begin to brag or show anything off…

        • guys guys… be cool,
          fight the machine,not each other.!!
          Gamergames@ plz read before taking your friends time :)
          questioning @ be nice to others :) , remember non of us got to be master all of the sudden.!!!

  2. technically you could use them in max if you use Xstream but meh

  3. @Gamer
    Dude, you just made it worse… your saying your making money out of these? I always believe getting free stuff is for learning only, if I use it for business, I buy it. That way I won’t be part of the the people who will kill the industry, and I apologize if I came out nasty… should have added a smiley on the end..

    @ Ironboy
    True, but thats still vue running inside Max, just an internal script that incorporates it in but running on the Vue engine.

  4. Hey Ir0nboy, thanks again mate. You really are an awesome person haha

  5. wow…I was doing some Vue stuff yesterday, following some tutorials and thinking, “dayim, eye needz me sum o dat Vue materials”

    and now this..

    Thanks Ironboy. You deliver.

  6. thanks a lot….very very useful!!!!
    keep up the gud work ( and the gud comments!!).

  7. Hi, know i?m reviving a death corpse here but can i ask for torrent Ir0nboy?
    DD links are all dead it seems.

    Thank you.

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