16 comments on “Gnomon School – Master Classes 2011: Creating Highly Realistic Composites with Rob Nederhorst

  1. Wohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! happy times for poor third wolrd compositors wanting to learn from the pros! this is it!!!!

    Thanks a zillioooooon!!!!

  2. And for folks from postcomunistic regimes too! :D


  3. you fuckin’ rock dude!! This is what i’m wainting for!
    Gnomon is the best shit!

  4. where is projectfile and footages and pass ,only have tutorial video

  5. here is the torrent for the project file and footages.


    a mini version of this with fewer footage frames has been posted in the forums.

    hurry, very few are seeding after leeching…

    worth the wait though, the footage are actual frames used in the film ‘Priest’.

  6. Is there a way to re up the torrent file somewhere please ?
    Fileserve has shut down its sharing fonctionality but the original uplooader can still access to the file.

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