All posts for the day May 17th, 2017
Beginner | 0h 54m | 119 MB | Project Files | Software used: Unity
Adobe Prelude CC 2017 v6.1.1.9 Win x64
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 v11.1.1.15 Win/Mac x64
Duration 3h 54m Project Files Included MP4
FilmLight Daylight 4.4 m1 9389 MACOSX
Solid Angle 3ds Max To Arnold v1.0.820 For 3ds Max 2017 Win
Solid Angle Katana 2.5 to Arnold v2.0.1.0 Win/Lnx
Solid Angle Cinema 4D to Arnold v2.0.1 R16 to R18 Win/Mac
Duration 2h 43m Project Files Included MP4