Nvidia Iray for Cinema 4D v2.0 Win-Mac R16 iND

Title: Nvidia Iray for Cinema 4D v2.0 Win-Mac R16 iN
iRay can work with C4D?s physically plausible materials, but iRay is really built upon NVIDIA?s MDL, or Material Definition Language, which was made to share physical materials and lights between applications using iRay and Mental Ray. This means that the full vMaterial library is supported as well as exchange with other MDL-supported apps, like 3ds Max, Maya and Rhino.
Iray for Cinema 4D functions on any system certified to operate Maxon Cinema 4D. Rendering speed is increased with faster CPU, and GPUs, more CPU and GPU cores, and especially with NVIDIA GPUs. Most NVIDIA products from the past 5 years (using the Fermi, Kepler, or Maxwell architecture) are supported. Iray for Cinema 4D scales very efficiently across all processors within the system and provides control over which processors are used.


