Adobe CS4 Premium + Contents DVD
It probably already exists in another thread here, but that thread became too long and confusing. And I assume this one and that one are the same ISOs.
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Adobe CS4 Premium + Contents DVD
It probably already exists in another thread here, but that thread became too long and confusing. And I assume this one and that one are the same ISOs.
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Archexteriors Vol. 9
Have you ever wanted to make professional exterior renderings? Have you ever had problems with composition? Archexteriors will end all your problems. Take a look at this 10 fully textured scenes with professional shaders and lighting ready to render. Get your own portfolio and join cg market.
New Version of ShaderMap (ver. 1.1) has been released. It now supports conversion of height and normal maps to ambient occlusion maps. Other improvements include modification of existing tangent space normal maps, a streamlined user interface, and online documentation. ShaderMap Command Line (CL) is free for non-commercial use. ShaderMap some what similar to CrazyBump, is a tool for generating various texture maps from photographs including spec, normal, DUDV and displacement. Continue Reading
Adobe CS3 Portable Collection
Here are some of the widely used Adobe applications, in their portable versions. No patches needs, no cr@cks needed, no serialization. Just copy and run. And then, you can even run them from USB sticks. So, these can go where ever you go. ;)
Leading digital effects houses and computer graphics specialists use Pixar?s RenderMan? because it is the highest quality renderer available anywhere and has been production tested through successful use in feature films for over ten years. Pixar?s RenderMan is stable, fast, and efficient for handling complex surface appearances and images.
RenderMan?s powerful shading language and anti-aliased motion blur allow designers to believably integrate stunning synthetic effects with live-action footage. In addition, RenderMan is backed by Pixar?s technical staff, who know the challenges of creating digital effects. RenderMan is used for Pixar?s own feature film productions. Continue Reading
Turbosquid Training: Advanced Cloth Workshop | 3DSMAX | 2GB
Popular highlights include:
– RealWave Overview
– Creating RealWaves
– Emulating Large Bodies of Water
– Emulating Small Bodies of Water
– Adding Fractal Waves
– Adding Spectrum Waves
– Adding Control Points Waves
– Using Hypermesh