AutoCad Mechanical

AutoDesk AutoCad 2009 Mechanical ISO

AutoCAD? Mechanical software is AutoCAD? for manufacturing?purpose-built to accelerate the mechanical design process while preserving the AutoCAD user experience. With comprehensive libraries of standards-based parts and tools for automating common design tasks, it offers significant productivity gains over basic AutoCAD software and saves countless hours of design time. Continue Reading

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v1.4 | 47,6 MB
New Adobe? Photoshop? Lightroom? software is the professional photographer’s essential toolbox, providing one easy application for managing, adjusting, and presenting large volumes of digital photographs so you can spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens. Continue Reading

Design first for 3d animators / by Geoffrey Kater

Design First

As a designer, your role within a production is as an aesthetic problem solver who is there to
support the story. As a 3D artist/animator, your role is to solve problems, but comes after the
design process. Design and animation are two different disciplines that problem solve in two
different ways, yet each has the same goal. What if we combined these disciplines into a
single role that uses design to influence animation throughout the entire 3D process? This
book is about that very thing. For those who are open minded about learning a valuable skill
like design, this book will not only improve your animation work, but will improve your worth
as a 3D artist.

Get it Here:


3D Modeling Techniques and Analysis

3D Modeling and Animation: Synthesis and Analysis Techniques for the Human Body
ISBN 1591402999 | 350 pages | July 1, 2004 | PDF | 5 Mb

3D Modeling and Animation: Synthesis and Analysis Techniques for the Human Body covers the areas of modeling and animating 3D synthetic human models at a level that is useful to students, researchers, software developers and content generators. The reader will be presented with the latest, research-level, techniques for the analysis and synthesis of still and moving human bodies, with particular emphasis in facial and gesture characteristics.

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A building information modeling (BIM) application, Revit Structure integrates multimaterial physical and analytical models, providing concurrent structural modeling for more accurate documentation, analysis, and design. AutoCAD Structural Detailing is a powerful solution for fast and efficient detailing and automatic creation of fabrication shop drawings for steel and reinforced concrete structures. Accelerate your structural engineering workflow from early design through fabrication with the efficiency of BIM and easy-to-use AutoCAD applications.

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PolyBoost is an extensive set of easy to use, but advanced tools for 3d artists working in 3ds max.

The focus of the PolyBoost tools is at speeding up and streamlining workflow for the artist.

Version 4.1 of PolyBoost has now been released with support for 3ds max 2009 and 3ds max 2009 Design. The new version includes several bugfixes and code optimization, no new features. It is also available for 3ds max9 and 2008

PolyBoost offers a wide range of tools for creating various types of subobject selections as well as a set of modeling tools which will make many tasks in everyday modeling a lot easier. Included is also a Viewport texture painting tool, UVW editing tools and a set of useful transform tools. The tools have been developed with the end user very much in mind to enable tools that are user-friendly, fast, stable and above all useful. Continue Reading