MAXON CINEMA? 4D 10 DVD + 10.5 Update + Plugins + Textures + Mac version:

10.5 Update (Re-Uploaded)?

C4D 10 Full DVD + Plugins + Texture + Cinema4D 10.5 for Mac OsX? (added)

CINEMA 4D’s intuitive interface and logical workflow make it possible for those new to 3D artistry to dive in and be productive quickly. Feedback is smooth and interactive so you can let your creativity run free.

Included in the CINEMA 4D R10 documentation is the new 200+ page Quickstart manual, several hours of video tutorials and a context-sensitive help system that covers not only the entire CINEMA 4D core application but all available modules as well. This fast and easy to use help system’s browser is fully integrated into CINEMA 4D and offers immediate answers to your questions regarding any part of CINEMA 4D.

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Create photorealistic composites using the Autodesk? Toxik? complete, high-end toolset for real-time, HDRI film procedural and 3D compositing. Toxik features award-winning keying and color correction tools, as well as GMask, motion blur, DOF, and Bicubic warping, enabling artists to manipulate image distortion and perspective and create flawless imagery. Toxik also supports multiple channel OpenEXR files and 64-bit architecture.

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( This is an UPDATE for post HERE)

Craft Director Tools is a suite of plug-ins for Direct Animation in Maya and 3ds Max. Direct animation is a ground breaking animation discipline in which animators are given greater precision and control.
Objects and cameras are steered manually in the 3D environment with the aid of such input devices as a joystick or a 3D mouse.

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Learn a production workflow to creating stylized female characters, working with art direction, and several time-saving techniques for modeling, UV layout, texturing, and material and shader setup. Contains over 6.5 hours of project-based training for artists learning the artistic processes of creating stylized females as seen in animated feature films

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Description: Creating characters for games presents many challenges for the 3D artist. Issues such as poly count, flexibility of the rig, art direction, and the game environment itself will dictate the final look of the character. In this DVD, Mayan continues from the head model and design used in Head Modeling for Games, demonstrating the tools and techniques used to create low polygon characters. Topics such as working from a concept design, poly count, scripts, props and topology are discussed.

Over 2 1/2 hours of lecture.

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Software: Maya 8.5 or higher
Run Time: 20 hrs. 42 min., 11 discs
A guide to modeling, texturing, and rendering digital humans in Maya
Learnig a production workflow to organic modeling, UV layout, texture mapping, shading, and rendering using an array of tools and techniques for creating realistic humans from reference.
Series contains 4 products and a total of over 20 hours of project-based training for artists learning the technical and artistic processes of creating digital doubles for use in Film and Games. Perfect for students and professionals.

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After Effects CS3

PORTABLE After Effects CS3 with 40 Plugins and Adobe Bridge –

Plugins List :
ABSoft Neat Video v2.0.0 Home

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Poser 7

Poser 7 provides the easiest way to design with the human form in 3D.
Using the rich collection of content included and powerful rendering to produce any style art, creative professionals, graphic artists and hobbyists can create stunning art, fine illustration and breathtaking animation for applications that integrate the diversity and spirit of human imagery
Poser provides the easiest way to design with the human form in 3D.
Using the rich collection of content included and powerful rendering to produce any style art, creative professionals, graphic artists and hobbyists can create stunning art, fine illustration and breathtaking animation for applications that integrate the diversity and spirit of human imagery.
With Poser, you can design using the human form for art, illustration, comics, pre-viz/storyboarding, medical visualization, animation, architecture and education – essentially everywhere your creative mind may take you as you design for print, video, film, or web! Continue Reading