Vue 6.5 Infinite
The release of Vue 6 marks e-on’s continued commitment to the professional CG industry. It provides even more power, improved workflow and increased productivity. E-on has been carefully listening to its customers, from production houses to architects and 3D animators. In response to customer feedback, all aspects of the program have been substantially improved.

Vue 6 is based on an entirely redesigned architecture that significantly improves memory handling and performance throughout. Continue Reading

V16 – Total Textures “Architectural Showroom”

It has been nearly 2 years since the last Total Texture Collection was released.
After popluar demand and having such a positive response from the upgrades we decided it was about time to reopen the Total Texture Collection series.
Our NEW Total Texture collection is full of great Showroom Textures for really finishing those Architectural renders to the highest standards with as little effort as possible.

As with all Total Texture Collections, the NEW DVD now contains 134 Texture Maps comprising of over 545 individual, hand crafted texture maps which are all fully tileable.

Each texture has been hand crafted from 100% original photography, made seamless where required, and each having their own unique bump & specular map included. Each texture is also of course totally flexible and can be used in many projects – architectural or otherwise.

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LBrush was designed to be a fast and effective tool for creating facial animation and target sculpture. The animation tool and the sculpture tool are integrated into a single modifier for fast and effective workflow, though shapes can also be imported/exported to other tools within max. This is not a morph tool, it will require much fewer targets to create smooth animation, and will not need ease-ins or ease out graphs, this vastly simplifies the process of animation. The interpolations will be clean. Continue Reading

3 Web Design Courses,Animation Course in Flash – 6 hours, Backgrounds,Basic Gaming in Flash
Cartoon Drawing in Flash – 21 hours,Comic Book Illustration,Draw Tech Illustrations in Flash
Dreamweaver Mega Course,Exciting Flash Ads,Fire,Retro Futurism,Smart Transitions,Title and BumperAnimation ,Two Legged Cycles,Web Interface Design

and a 6-hour Cartoonsmart Animation

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Autodesk 3dsmax 9 Full – With All In One Pack SP2 Crack, UpDates & Fix !!!

Here goes Max9 32Bit Full WITH All necessary Updates and Post – SP2 HowTo Crack on text and Video folks for those who already own Max 9 with SP2 and can not activate it – or that will be installing it, and sure enough running to the same problem after installing the Service Pack 2!
Plus 3DS Max 9 gives an error soon after launching, most probably it is an incompatibility with Windows Vista! Here is a dxdds.bmi file made FOR Vista, that will eliminate the error that happens when launching it! It should run on XP also, i believe! After that you will be running Max 9 – SP2!!!
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?Cebas Scalpel v1.1.6.0 Max 9/2008

ScalpelMAX is a 3ds max object modifier, offering advanced slicing functionality with many specialized features. ScalpelMAX is perfect for users who create complex CAD viszualisations with polygon counts above 100.000. Also the games and video effects people will love SclapelMAX because of its incredible texture slicing feature. Mapping coordinates won’t be affected by ScalpelMAX operations and this makes it possible to cut down any geometry without losing the materials and mappings! Continue Reading

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About psd-manager 2

psd-manager? is the first and most advanced PSD file exporter for 3ds max/VIZ available on the market. Now, for the first time you can readjust nearly everything in the rendering with Adobe? Photoshop? or any another application that supports PSD files. psd-manager is the tool to help you save time and money by integrating the tools you best know and like. Continue Reading