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Have you ever wanted to make professional exterior renderings? Have you ever had problems with composition?

Archexteriors will end all your problems. Take a look at this 10 fully textured scenes with professional shaders and lighting ready to render.

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Evermotion Archexteriors Vol. 6

Have you ever wanted to make professional exterior renderings? Have you ever had problems with composition? Archexteriors will end all your problems. Take a look at this 10 fully textured scenes with professional shaders and lighting ready to render. Get your own portfolio and join cg market.

Note: Now with additional draft rendering settings.

This production is prepared only for 3ds max 9 or higher and vray 1.5 SP1 or newest.

Take a look at this 10 fully textured scenes with professional shaders and lighting ready to render. This production is prepared only for 3ds max 9 or higher and vray 1.5 SP1 or newest. Paris, India, Sydney opera… and other world archexteriors.

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AfterBurn 4.0 delivers rendering speed improvements, workflow enhancements and modularity/extensibility.

Here is a short list of what?s new in AfterBurn 4.0:

– New AfterBurn Shadow Map brings a great speed improvement without significant shadow quality loss. Speed improvement over Raytraced Shadows in AfterBurn 3.2 can be more than a factor of five for dynamic scenes and even up to factor of ten for static cloud animations.

– AfterBurn no longer needs special type of shadows to be able to calculate self-shadowing effect as it supports standard light?s interface for atmospheric shadows (light?s ?Atmosphere Shadows? option).

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Digimation’s Viewpoint Model Library is a collection of 20,000 well-constructed 3D models available on demand. They come in a variety of file formats for use with most 3D programs, including 3ds max. The library includes various character, anatomy, animal, industrial, military, automotive, and architectural models. You can search for an image via printed, CD-ROM, and online catalogs. Each model is displayed in wire frame, along with basic model properties such as number of points, polygons, and pricing.

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After Effects CS3

PORTABLE After Effects CS3 with 40 Plugins and Adobe Bridge –

Plugins List :
ABSoft Neat Video v2.0.0 Home

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Poser 7

Poser 7 provides the easiest way to design with the human form in 3D.
Using the rich collection of content included and powerful rendering to produce any style art, creative professionals, graphic artists and hobbyists can create stunning art, fine illustration and breathtaking animation for applications that integrate the diversity and spirit of human imagery
Poser provides the easiest way to design with the human form in 3D.
Using the rich collection of content included and powerful rendering to produce any style art, creative professionals, graphic artists and hobbyists can create stunning art, fine illustration and breathtaking animation for applications that integrate the diversity and spirit of human imagery.
With Poser, you can design using the human form for art, illustration, comics, pre-viz/storyboarding, medical visualization, animation, architecture and education – essentially everywhere your creative mind may take you as you design for print, video, film, or web! Continue Reading