10 comments on “FXPHD MYA214 – Maya Lighting and Rendering in Production

  1. Thanx Ironboy for your kindness to upload these tuts…I really appreciate your work…
    One request…will you please upload the torrent of this tutorial…

  2. fileserver has a problem ???? link worked but fileserver masseg

    Your download could not be completed.
    Please try again later ???????!!!!

  3. thanks for the tutorial and a special big thank you for using Megaupload. No captcha code to write in!

  4. I download the file, I went trough the videos, its very simple and he is talking(teaching) about simple lighting and HDRI effect. he is talking about unnecessary things. for example, he put image on polygon Plane and he’s trying to fake it to looks real, I cant believe that they teaching this kind of stuff, even I can teach better than him.
    just wasting time. FHPHD they should have better course.
    No worth to download it.

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