Format: 3ds | A collection of more than 100 items of clothing and footwear
All posts for the day December 24th, 2010
At RandomControl we’re resolute to pioneer the next step in light simulation. To this end we have taken all the expertise we have gathered in the making of our flagship product fryrender and worked on an entirely new technology designed to produce comparable output, but using every single computing device at your disposal. Arion makes use of our novel proprietary multi-CPU / multi-GPU / multi-IP interactive rendering technology.
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Digital Tutors Understanding Gradient Meshes in Illustrator CS5
Runtime: 2 hrs. 38 min. | Software: Illustrator CS5 Continue Reading
Digitaltutors Designing a Two Color T-Shirt in Illustrator | Project Files Included Runtime: 1 hrs. 49 min.| Software: Illustrator CS5