QuadSpinner sets the stage for the ultimate galactic combat, an all-out war that has been brewing in all corners of the star system. The Battlefield will see fierce fighting in a dramatic show of force by the benevolent empire and the insurgent rebels who believe their time for domination has come.
This outer planetary universe contains the planet, moon, and asteroid field of 4000+ individual asteroids.
Thank you again, Ir0nboy!
Is there a tut with this?
hotfile link pls
thxx anyway
it’s called freerapid. it’s a program. it’s free. it queues up downloads from most hosting sites. you just have to solve the captchas. thus it doesn’t matter if you’re a member or not, by the morning you have a whole bunch of new toys to play with. Less whining, more thankee for the uber awseome ironboy!
what can I say…. thanks again Ir0nboy !
Tnxs one more time Ir0nb0y.
thanks for all