Duration 1h 42m Project Files Included MP4
Title: FXPHD VRY206 – Look Development with Maya, V-Ray and Nuke – Part 3
Look Development with Maya, V-Ray and Nuke – Part 3
Taught by Amid Rajabi
Class Listing
Class 1: Setup
Using the render passes to set up the multi-pass compositing process.
Class 2: Grading, Part 1
Grade of the reflection pass so that the car reflects the background in a realistic way.
Class 3: Grading, Part 2
Grading the car to match the background plate.
Class 4: Shadow Extraction, Part 1
Using the Keyer and Erode nodes to extract the luminance for the shadow extraction process.
Class 5: Shadow Extraction, Part 2
Finalizing the shadow extraction.
Class 6: Ambient Occlusion
Add ambient occlusion to the background to improve the realism of the shot.
Class 7: Final touches
Adding grain and other final touches for the composite.
https://nitroflare.com/view/D31E70C3136AF83/FXPHDVRY206LookDevelopmentwithMayaVRayandNukePart3.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/355D40D8E469608/FXPHDVRY206LookDevelopmentwithMayaVRayandNukePart3.part2.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/267D62503FAEF34/FXPHDVRY206LookDevelopmentwithMayaVRayandNukePart3.part3.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/D07E328D678A676/FXPHDVRY206LookDevelopmentwithMayaVRayandNukePart3.part4.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/4EE014BF5E9D753/FXPHDVRY206LookDevelopmentwithMayaVRayandNukePart3.part5.rar