San Juan Video Tutorial

Learn how Daniel Schmid has created an award winning 3D art – San Juan. This tutorial is splited into 9 chapters with fully narrated video in both english and spanish language version.
This tutorial is covering the whole creation process from start to finish covering the following topics: inspiration, layout, modeling, dynamics vrayproxy, shading, lighting and postproduction.
Complete 3D scene included (prepared for 3dsmax 2011 and V-ray 1.5)
All videos are recorded in 720p resolution (1280x720px).

Table of content :

1. Inspiration;
2. Layout;
3. Modeling;
4. Dynamics & V-ray proxy;
5. Shading;
6. Light part 01;
7. Light part 02;
8. Postproduction;
9. Conclusion;



Special Thanks:

to ProVee for going halves on this video with me

Always Trust Cgpersia to bring you the best and highest Quality releases.
Nearly all content on crappy copycat sites comes from here.
There’s a reason why we are #1.

Evermotion Archmodels Vol 90 | 525.14 MB
This collection includes 70 professional models of beauty parlour appliances and furniture with all textures, shaders and materials. You will find here backwashes, stand hairdryers, salon trolleys, beauty beds, hairdressers armchairs, scissors, hairbrushes, combs, shavers, razors, cosmetics, etc.


If anyone claims this as their own, note they're full of shit and never respect them again.


Summer Kickoff Release!

I would like to start off the summer by sharing these tutorials with CGPersia community.
Special shoutout to
Palakust who has been staying up really late, uploading these tutorials. Also to Forage, for giving me several tutorials from this list. Enjoy – Provided by A4monkey!

Original thread:

Continue Reading

New Features:

Professional Edition:

+ Multimonitor support. You can send any of the views to your extra windows

Bugs Fixed:

+ Strange issues regarding banding on the persistence inputs of the Advanced Perlin
+ Strange issues with invalid denormal values crashing WM
+ Strange issues with route points becoming stranded and causing load crashes
+ Macros falsify properly
+ Memory leaks should be no longer possible
+ Mesh objects are now properly masked
+ Flipping issue with TIFFs and other programs not respecting origin flag
+ Issue where toolbar buttons disappeared when WM was dragged to another monitor

http://www.url-dead/file/1138371124/World.Machine.Professional.v2.3 Beta-1.rar Beta-1.rar Beta-1.rar

Thanks to Beeek for the update

Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 2.6 x86/x64 Windows/MacOSX

mocha (full version) is a standalone tracking and rotoscoping tool based on Imagineer?s unique 2.5 D planar tracking system. mocha affords you the ability to generate solid 2D tracks, even on the most difficult shots, saving both time and money. As a rotoscoping station, mocha’s ability to accurately track shapes saves hours of manual labor for articulate matte creation.
Why mocha?

mocha is a stand alone 2D tracking tool packed with features that make the life of the effects compositing artist easier and less stressful. Now compositors can avoid the guess work and inaccuracies that result from painstaking and time consuming difficult hand tracking shots. The process of generating solid 4-point tracks, giving position, scale, rotation, shear and perspective matched tracks is sped up thanks to mocha’s next generation tracking layers and interface.

mocha is designed to export tracking data to the industry?s most well known compositing and finishing packages such as Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Shake, Digital Fusion and Nuke.

mocha’s advanced bezier and x-spline shape creation tools give compositors the tools they need to create highly accurate and realistic roto mattes. Linking shapes to the planar tracker allows the artist to create mattes with far less manual keyframes. mocha can render mattes as well as export shape data for Flame/Flint/Inferno, Shake, Combustion, After Effects and Final Cut Pro.

The Planar Tracker
Throw your old fashioned point trackers away- step up to Imagineer?s advanced Planar tracker. Watch in amazement as your splines magically rotate, scale, and shear in lock step with your shot.

mocha?s AdjustTrack module takes track adjustment to another level by offering an innovative approach to the removal of drift. Coupled with mocha’s ability to work with problematic footage, AdjustTrack is a tool that can save you a lot of tracking headaches!

Export Tracking Data
mocha will allow you to export 2D tracking data to the industry?s most well known packages Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Apple Shake, Digital Fusion and Nuke.

Composite Preview
mocha allows you to import a single frame or clip and place it within a defined domain to preview your insert.

Bezier and X-Spline tools
mocha offers several ways of shaping your splines. In addition to Bezier and X Splines, mocha offers Shake-style tangent control if you prefer.

Track or Spline based Motion Blur
mocha can generate motion blur in two ways. If you are tracking a moving object, mocha can create motion blur based on that motion vector. If that doesn?t do the trick, mocha can also generate motion blur based on your spline deformations.

Effortless Spline Transformations
mocha provides an intuitive way to move, rotate and scale your splines around, should they need some manual tweaking. Live anchor points mean you rotate and scale from wherever you click. Elegant overlays give you easy to read delta feedback.

Infinite Edge Control
Pull out feathers point by point. Move feather edges and control points together or separately. Join points from separate splines together. Serious point control in mocha.

Roto Preview
mocha allows you to import a single frame or clip as a background to preview behind your roto’ed foreground object.

Fewer Keyframes
Powered by the Planar Tracker, your splines will no longer need so many keyframes. Ben Grossman of The Syndicate reported a traditionally rotoscoped 88 keyframe shot needing only 4 in mocha. Less keyframes= tighter tracks, less work.

Export Shapes and Mattes
mocha will slip right in to your pipeline- offering renders in nearly every industry standard File format (Cineon, DPX, TIFF, Targa, QuickTime etc.) and shape export for Flame/Flint/Inferno, Shake and Combustion. mocha v1.5 adds export support in the mocha shape format for both After Effects and Final Cut.

Stable and Rapidly Evolving
mocha is built upon the same framework as monet and mokey – applications with a mature toolset that can be depended upon for stability and frequent upgrades.
Language: English




XRayUnwrap_v1.5.3 For 3DsMAX 2012 x32_x64

New features in the automatic UV unwrapping plugin include: redesigned interface ? fully integrated inside uvwunwrap modifier, faster unwrap speed, Live Unwrap: select your edges and see the results in realtime, works on any primitive (no more editable poly restriction), packing functionality, seams can be edited inside uvwunwrap modifier, sub-object unwrapping, map seam flags are preserved within instanced unwrap, etc

We introduced a lots of new features as follows:

?Redesigned interface: full integrated inside uvwunrap modifier of 3dsmax
?Xunwrap at incredible speed
?Amazing Live Unwrap: select your edges and see the result realtime
?Works on any primitive. No more editable poly restriction
?Packing functionality added
?Seams can be edited inside uvwunwap modifier
?Subobject unwrapping
?Map seam flags are preserved within instanced unwrap
?Instanced unwrap over multiple objects
?Back compatibility with v1.0. Old seam flags are converted into unwrap seams

XRayUnwrap v1.5.3 is compatible with:

3D Studio MAX/Design 2012 32 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2012 64 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2011 32 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2011 64 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2010 32 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2010 64 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2009 32 bit
3D Studio MAX/Design 2009 64 bit
3D Studio MAX 2008 32 bit
3D Studio MAX 2008 64 bit

Home PAGE:-



Wondertouch ParticleIllusion for After Effects v1.0.2 (32/64 bit) | 84 MB

ParticleIllusion AE will work with After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5, and CS5.5

particleIllusion for After Effects (pIAE) is plug-in for for After Effects enables artists to create gorgeous particle effects directly within After Effects, producing a more efficient workflow and significantly enhanced productivity. Like its stand-alone sibling particleIllusion 3.0, pIAE is built on the industry?s most robust 2D particle generation engine. As a result, it features the same highly acclaimed speed and ease of use that have made wondertouch products so popular with composting artists.

2,800 existing emitters in After Effects, including the popular “Pro Emitters”
Interface Language: English Platform: Windows + Instruction

Home PAGE :-



Artlantis Studio

Artlantis is recognized as the fastest, most powerful solution for photo-realistic 3D rendering and animation. Now, Artlantis 3 is strengthening its lead with an even more accurate radiosity engine, new management of geometry by layers, better management and enrichment of media, and simplified control of optimized lighting.

The richness of the online Artlantis gallery eloquently demonstrates that media play a key role in projects and?in Artlantis 3 with new developments, new shaders?

Editable Anchor Points
The anchor point allows you to place and rotate an object or component in the 3D scene. Grab this point in the 2D view by pressing the “D? key, and simply drag it to the desired location.

Media Search Function
When opening a file, Artlantis 3 allows you to search for and replace any missing media components on your hard drive, as well as delete them.

Transparency of Billboards and Plants
Accessible directly in Artlantis, the new transparency slider allows you to set the transparency of billboards and 3D plants in order to better view the project. There?s no longer any need for photo editing!

Detachable Components
Detach elements of the 3D model and keep them as internal components in your 3D scene using the polygon selection tool. This component is easy to handle as an external object (aof) while remaining fully integrated in the scene.

The continuous development of media (currently several thousand) has focused our interest on their management, and on the handling of geometry in 3D scenes.

Layer Management
Artlantis 3 has a new structure of layers: scene, objects, 3D plants, lamps, animated objects and billboards. You can also add or remove your own layers.

Automatic Placement
The “default layer? function allows you to determine the destination layer for each type of media. Once you add new billboards or objects to your projects, you can have this placement done either automatically or manually.

Layer Import
ArchiCAD users will appreciate this new feature, which, thanks to the ArchiCAD export plug-in, allows you to select the layers you want to export to Artlantis.

Visibility by View
For greater ease of use and increased productivity, especially on large projects, hide the layers that might burden your work in preview (for example, 3D plants). What’s more, this new function also allows you to present your various layout options from the same document.

Fall-off Presets

Artlantis 3 offers 9 different types of lighting accessible by a drop-down menu (Lights inspector). Based on an adaptation of photometric data of light sources, these lighting options can be completely customized: change the intensity, the color, the angle, the softness of shadows?

Neon Shader
The Neon shader has also been greatly improved both in terms of quality and rendering speed.

This brand new rendering engine, developed especially for architecture, is faster and more accurate than ever before. No other product on the market matches Artlantis 3?s radiosity engine in rendering speed and precision.

Exceptional Quality
In general, the quality of the renderings has been greatly improved. Abvent?s R&D team has paid special attention to the likeness between the preview and the final rendering.

Complete Settings
Pre-defined settings for both interior and exterior scenes make life easier for beginners, while more advanced users will appreciate the “Expert? interface, which allows them to personalize the radiosity settings.

Animation (Artlantis Studio)

In an ongoing quest for realism, Artlantis Studio invites you to animate clouds by activating the wind’s parameters, the direction and speed of which you can choose in the heliodon inspector.

A plain cursor is all you need to add movement to the Water shader, adding life to your 3D scenes with animated rivers, lakes, pools, seas.

Activation of Reg. code: archive (Incl.Crack-BEAN)
Language: Russian, English …
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Size: 164.24 Mb

Cinema 4D R11.5 Goodies (Textures + Plugins)

Downloads | Fileserve ? Filesonic | 1.72 GB

It includes:
– 3rd Party Materials from Andreas Keller, Eric Smit, Mike Batchelor and Nocturna Graphics
– 3rd Party Textures from 3D Total, 3dfluff, Sachform, Seamless Reality Textures and Simon Wicker
– Mograph Materials
– Plugins from Mathias Bober



3D World
English | HQ PDF | 116 pages | 73.32 MB
3D World the best-selling international magazine for 3D artists

3D World is the best-selling international magazine for 3D artists, covering the fields of animation, VFX, games, illustration and architecture. Each issue provides analysis of latest trends in the market, artistic and technical advice, impartial product reviews, and exclusive behind-the-scenes articles on the making of key projects in this fast-paced industry. For those wanting to improve their technical skills, the magazine provides tutorials, tips and step-by-step guides covering every major 3D software package, from freeware to professional applications such as 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, LightWave 3D and Softimage.
