An outstanding interactive 3D rendering engine
An outstanding interactive 3D rendering engine linked to a state-of-the-art 32-bit compositing engine in which you can animate, shade, light, filter at the same time, while everything is managed by a smart memory optimizer and all this, in a single striking piece of software that offers an amazing workflow.Not only the rendering is faster, but everything is. The whole evaluation is fully multi-threaded, from loading, deformation, to rendering and compositing. It?s simple: the more cores your workstation has, the faster it gets. It?s so fast, you?ll even wonder if you didn?t just upgrade your hardware.Work directly on your images. It?s really easy. Wanna pick an object? Just click on it. Move it? Drag it directly in the image. Assign a material? Just drag and drop it. Change the viewpoint? Orbit the camera. It?s so natural, you won?t even remember how you were doing it before.
Ok this one works fine. The install is very tricky for people not used to network licenses so here are some tips.
0. Follow the instructions completely, do not over-think it, do what it says.
1. Deactivate any network connections, run as admin, Dont give the installer ANY issues.
2. When the install is DONE, DO NOT start the licence server, AS INSTRUCTED.
3. Replace the lic server (*ilise.exe) with your included one, Start the cracked lic server and follow instructions method one, KEEP READING.>>>>Here is the bugger!!!!
4. Do not bother trying to start the “Isotropix Clarisse iFX 1.6 SP2” application. Why?
Because the license service has to save it’s own settings first! Meaning after you insert the #s, using method 1, you must quit the license server FIRST, so it can save its *file path, *serial. Then start the program, you MAY STILL see it not working!?! your licence window will pop up yet again, remember when you quit the license server? so now you have to restart it, Do so and start the application you should be good to go.
Just use method 2 :) But you will still have to replace the license server ( of course with the provided one ) AND you will still have to quit the service and restart it. THEN start the application. Just helping out. Good luck to all confirmed working and very happy.
Thanks for the proper evaluation gentleman,