Lazzy Newzumi Pro V16.8.29.1218 Win
Title: Lazzy Newzumi Pro V16.8.29.1218 Win
Take control of your lines!
Lazy Nezumi Pro is a Windows app that helps you draw smooth, beautiful lines, with your mouse or pen tablet.
It works with many of your favorite art programs, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash.
Why do I need it?
Clean line-art taking forever?
Forced to make fast strokes to avoid seeing any jitters?
Pressing really hard to use the full pressure range of your tablet?
Uneven pressure in your strokes?
Art software leaving ugly artifacts at the end of your lines?
Hand shaking when you draw?
App cursor getting in the way when drawing details?
Switching software in the middle of your work because your main art program doesn’t support input smoothing?
If any of this sounds familiar, you will love Lazy Nezumi Pro!
wow, you really butchered the title
it is work ?
Doesn’t work apparently, from what I heard of people who tried it.
it dosen’t work when cracked
When cracked, it starts with Photoshop but that’s all.
not worked