9 comments on “Digital Tutors – Quick Start to Modeling in Maya: Volume 3

    • I think Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney Animation studios, etc must not realize that Maya sucks as you say… You should let them know, I’m sure they will listen to you…

  1. If you do not want to download. On the Youtube channel is much Digital Tutors tutorials : http://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalTutorsCracked
    When you get out of here some miss enough to write a report and per moment are on YT Channel and SUBCSRIBE. The Council will follow all through playlists.

  2. Torrent:


  3. Maya is very good , but a bit difficult learning curve , but , nothing is easy no ?

    Thanks for the tutorials , to the autor , and to those who also upload material , so we can learn more ;)

  4. hi my account is blocked plz unblock me
    i need to to download this training but I cant
    plz admin help me :( :( :(

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