Human characters in 3D scenes become ever more important in visualizations, animations and illustrations. Character animation is a specialized area of the animation process and because of its complexity, most of the animation work has catered to very advanced users and programmers, leaving virtually no access to all other users.
an(i)ma is the fastest stand-alone character animation application developed especially for architects and designers, ideal for quickly and easily creating stunning 3D animations in less time.Our motion-editing tools and content make 3D character animation easy and affordable, and enables creative and technical artists to take on demanding animation-intensive projects.
Ready-To-Run Agent Libraries
an(i)ma uses the award winning line of Metropoly 3D Humans. These digital Actors are controlled by real motion capture data and automatic procedural motions combined with
a motion blending system to achieve
super-realistic animations.
You can simulate the behavior of a large number of characters with some simple parameters.
WYSIWYG Interface
an(i)ma uses a simple and intuitive interface that allows for a fast and easy drag and drop editing. A short learning curve allows you to focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
Collision Brain
an(i)ma combines a sophisticated AI brain engine to predict collisions between agents. The animated characters in the scene will behave realistically.
Contains an(i)ma 1.1.0 all the plugins and manual along with 8 actors
and of coarse the crack from Roocoon!
http://www.fileserve.com/file/zNzFQDU/Axyz-design An(i)ma_1.1.0_x32.X64.CGPERSIA.part2.rar
http://www.uploadstation.com/file/g8YC2WH/Axyz-design An(i)ma_1.1.0_x32.X64.CGPERSIA.part2.rar
If anyone has more actors or is interested in buying please pm me on the forum
Special Thanks:
To The PirateMaster who supplied the actors!
To Roocoon who cracked this baby for all of us!
Greatness is always achieved through teamwork.
Always Trust Cgpersia to bring you the best and highest Quality releases.
Nearly all content on crappy copycat sites comes from here.
There’s a reason why we are #1.
tenk yo!!! :)
This Plug-In Only For MAX & 4D
Yes it is
Thanks again
many thanks. I\’m tested it.Plugins for 3dmax and c4D it doesn\’t work. when you click buttom for plugins it Error and close programs. and in programs Anima 1.1 when you registered it and work is ok. but next time you start it you need register again. .
That’s odd?
will look into it
yeah, looks pretty like a light version of massive to create quick ‘n easy crowds. hope it has a big enough bandwith of output formats to use it in different softwares than 3dsm & c4d.
thanx alot ironboy & roocoon
Thanks Ir0nboy, thanks again, and again, and again, and again…
tried in max 2011 design … crashes max when you try to create an anima object
… and when i use anima the second tme i have to register again
… i disconnected from internet when installing
or is there an other way to do it ???
Ir0nboy, how can I ever thank you enough? You are the best brother. Keep up the good work.
im downloading it now, ill try it on win 7 max design 2012.. so ill let u know if evth is ok. however thanks for sharing <3
password archive please… Thank you
oups.. sorry, no password needed… but is PC only ;(
Works great in max 2012 x64 Thanks !!!
roking post. i was just in search of that
i need more actors :D
Buy some then:/
:S if i dont buy the program…..i dont buy actors lol
so stop crying and deal it
anyone have a manual?
FUCK Ironboy… AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
32 bit crack file anima.core.dll file contains trojan. Be carefull!
I cant explain to you how stupid you have made yourself look.
for starters the cracks are packed like you would pack and compress a set of files in winrar.
Viruses are packed in this way also
this is why your antivirus goes red alert
because it thinks the crack since its packed, is a virus
But obviously its not!
I hope people will understand this
and not post more usless crap like this joker just has
yes. I think so.
but I can’t work in 3dmax 2011 and C4D r12. :(
I’ll try again. big thanks for share. :D
hey man, Ir0nboy will hack u, cause u r sPeCiAL , so run to the hills and never come back ??
… oh boys … it?s allways good to read the manual first (at least parts of it :-) )
plugins work fine for 2011/2012 design 64 bit – confirmed
after blocking internet access for an(i)ma_x64.exe … it also stayes licensed
thanks ironboy you are the hero of the day :-)
tnx for the info, and tnx IRONBOY for the release! ^^
before I disconect Internet but It can’t work. when I open sample file in 3dmax2011 or c4d r12 It error and closeed programs :(. I’ll try one more. and can you say me steps installs? many thanks!
are your video drivers up to date dude?
someone else had this problem and he updated his drivers and it works fine now.
also not the plugin for max 2012 is beta so it will have various issues
max 2011 x64 works fine.
Thanks ironboy
Thanks roocoon
Works perfectly for W7 64b max2010.
Thanks Ironboy, Roocoon, and The PirateMaster
A W E S O M E . . . thanks!
Hi Ironboy,
Is there a crack that can disable the update. Everything works great as long as you dont have internet, as soon as internet starts it becomes demo mode. Please help.
Thx men.
I can’t import actors. Do you ?
error when i click import : Cannot write file c://program files/aXYZ design/an(i)ma 1.0 64-bit/models/cWom0007-M3/Library.dat (Anima::AddOnManager::_Import:206)
And after blocking internet access for an(i)ma_x64.exe ? it also stayes licensed too after a reload of the soft.
And i ‘ve some pb in 3dsmax2010 with the plug, crashes & bugs…
I ll try to reinstall all properly.
run the anima as adminstrator and it will work like a charm
can anyone please upload to hotfile?
gracias bro, un abrazo, buen aporte :D
thanks ironboy! ‘dis is da bees knees man
So.. how do you block internet access for a single .exe file? is it a windows file thing or a firewall thing?
the plugin doesnt work with 3ds max 2011 64 bit win7 64 bit.. it just crashes…… any help or crack on this issue….. please help
Thanksss :D
thank you so much
but the max plugin make it crash, i am using 3dsmax 2012 x86.
any idea please?
any solution on the 3dmax stuff for this plugin or have to wait till another crack……
please help
the crack file dosen’t work.when i copy the crack file and run the program
this Message Appears:
the application or DLL D:\program files\………….\anima.core_x64.dll is not a valid windows image.please check this against your installation diskette.
Also it dosen’t work in 3ds max(2009).(vray 2sp1)
Thanks a lot for the share.
IronBoy: Thanks again.
I am hopefully looking forward to a more stronger patch. For me Max 2011 Design,works but doesn’t work type situation. It’s a fantastic tool to have.
I used CINEMA 4D 12 .i aimate the one character. how to import the animation character in anima,
If you install with ver 1.0 and allow it to update as per instructions the update is now up to 1.1.2, the core file included will not work, so it is useless. The registering process will be broken and it will stay in demo.
yes …..when i update…its v 1.1.2,
where can i get 1.1.0????
Well thank a lot to CG……..its still downloading and hope it work fine too….At present was the need of the hour as working on a walk through……if any source(free..:)..) where other actors are too available, pls share here….bye and thks a lot
THis is pc only right? bummer! :(
this is crap, not just only for pc. these jerks here don’t know how to proper crack it. read all the comments and you will see that it crashes all the time. just a useless piece of shit. support the developer and buy then you will have no problem.
Yes… this is cheating.crack is not work proper in output files. where is the ir(no)boy ?..
Hello Ir0nboy,
I installed the software correctly following the instructions and I’m abble to use it ok and export my animations to 3D Max, but when I do so, my animation plays until 24 frames and suddenly disappears. I’ve tried everything and checked in every place but I can’t find a solution. I reinstalled the program and it’s not a crack issue because it’s not showing “demo version” anymore. Do you have any idea what it might be?
Just to be clear: when I try to play my animations in MAX, the animation simply disappears after 24 frames is reached in the animation window. I saw that in the Trial version the animations are for rendering only and only can be played for 2 seconds. But as I sayed before it’s not a crack issue.
Thank you very much and sorry for my english
Best Regards
same for me
for all of you people who get your license “reset”….. dont worry, just register again each time you open the program. Put anything on it like: lffoi4uafnkf9r8yuae and there you have!
you know where can i find more models or to set up the axyz models for 3ds max that i got?
thanks in advance
No crack, where is it?
I found
please help
the crack file dosen?t work.when i copy the crack file and run the program
this Message Appears:
the application or DLL D:\program files\????.\anima.core_x64.dll is not a valid windows image.please check this against your installation diskette.
3ds Max Design2012
When I install this and use the crack I get an error and the program will not open please help, thanks in advance
seems that all links are dead, can anyone sent me tracker invitation? mato.cgseznam.cz ? Thanks… I always try to keep my ratio over 2.0