25 comments on “XRayUnwrap v1.5.3 For 3DsMAX 2012 x32/x64

  1. XrayUnwrap or Unwrella?
    Wich one is better guys? Or wich benefits have on over other.

  2. Thanks John D .however i a question whats the use of this (thanks MB) file doing hear

  3. This is great plugin. Algorithm which use this plugin is like UVMaster in ZBrush. Thank you uploader for this!

    • wrong. it has nothing to do with the UV Master in Zbrush. UVMaster is a completely new tech, this here is the a cheep LSCM implementation you have in Max2012.

  4. i can read full path for filesonic can u enter again plz.. thank you

  5. Fuck CGpersia and CGPersia administrator. Plug-in like that is not for warez stuf Buy it, please, like me! 10$ pff…

    • $10 seems kind of steep for an unemployed gal like me. Is there a less expensive educational version I could buy instead, after I’ve tried it out? Modelling is merely a hobby for me, and one I rarely spend any time doing. Between that and the fact I’m perpetually broke, it is hard to justify spending what little grocery money I have on things other than food and rent.

      PS: Does anyone have installation instructions? Thanks! (dot mp3)

      • My exact opinion, Moot.
        There will be the day I start repaying, but that day doesnt seem to be any near. I mean, its fine for the production, but, please, 4-5 grand for a main piece of a pipeline, and 400 to a grand for a plugin…
        Long live CGPersia!!!
        Sharing and pirating brings the possibilities to be creative to the little guy, trying to learn and leave a mark in this big world.
        Tripple thanks to everybody here.
        And a big BOOO for all requesters, complainers, and other ungrateful SOBs.

  6. I could say it’s a nice post, but it’s not, because of the price.
    The “i would buy this software if only i could” excuse can’t be used here.
    Think of the people who created this in a good spirit for the price…

    Sorry my bad english, but i think the idea is clear, and please thumbs up

  7. hi, the file is not assembled right or so it seems at my end… please verify the file & re upload … file serve and sonic pls…

  8. thank, but for the price its better pay to dis plug in.

    Copypasta from: http://cgpersia.com/2011/06/xrayunwrap-v1-5-3-for-3dsmax-2012-x32x64-16326.html#ixzz1V9ymsVkh

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